Chapter 18 JarViewer Example

Jar Table Model defines a custom table model that displays information about the entries in a JAR or ZIP file.
Open Action defines a custom Action that opens a new JAR file. Updated from the book to support the putValue method in Action.
Close Action defines a custom Action that closes the current JAR file. Updated from the book to support the putValue method in Action.
Quit Action defines a custom Action that handles the quit menu and window close box. Updated from the book to support the putValue method in Action.
Extract Action defines a custom Action that extracts files from the current JAR file. Updated from the book to support the putValue method in Action.
Jar Viewer defines the main JarViewer application including the code for building the user interface. Updated from the book to use mnemonics on menus. Updated for Java 2 version to replace the deprecated createScrollPaneForTable method with the standard JScrollPane constructor.

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